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Chefveterinär, ögonmottagningen


Leg. Veterinär

Diplomate , specialistkompetens hundens och kattens sjukdomar.


  • Orbital reconstruction in the dog, cat and horse
    Wallin-Håkansson, N, Berggren, K. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2017;20 (4):316-328.
  • Transfrontal orbitotomy in the dog: an adaptable three-step approach to the orbit
    Wallin-Hakanson N, Wallin-Hakanson B. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2010; 13:377-383.
  • Primary secretory otitis media in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel: a review of 61 cases
    W Stern-Bertholtz, L Sjostrom, N Wallin-Hakanson. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2003;44(6):253-256
  • Collie eye anomaly in the rough collie in Sweden: genetic transmission and influence on offspring vitality
    Wallin-Hakanson B, Wallin-Hakanson N, Hedhammar Å. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2000:41:254-258.
  • Influence of selective breeding on the prevalence of chorioretinal dysplasia
    Wallin-Hakanson B, Wallin-Hakanson N, Hedhammar Å. Journal of Small Animal Practice 2000:41; 56-59.
  • The effects of topical tropicamide and systemic medetomidine, followed by atipamezole reversal, on pupil size and intraocular pressure in normal dogs
    Wallin-Hakanson N, and Wallin-Hakanson B. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2001; 4: 3-6.
  • The canine orbit
    Spiess BM, Wallin Håkanson NE. In: Gelatt KN, ed:Veterinary Ophthalmology, ed 3, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 1999, pp 511-534.
  • Temporal variation in tear production as detected by Schirmer tear test in the dog
    Wallin Håkanson NE. Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology 1997; 7:196-203.
  • Extraorbital diversion of aqueous in the treatment of glaucoma in the dog: A pilot study including two recipient sites
    Wallin Håkanson, NE. Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology, 1996;6 (2):82-90.
  • Chronic superficial corneal erosions with anterior stromal sequestration in three horses
    Håkanson, NE, Dubielzig, RR. Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology 1994;4(#4):179-183.
  • Traumatic injuries associated with the short lateral collateral ligaments of the talocrural joint of the dog
    Sjöström L, Håkanson NE. J Small Anim Pract 1994;35:163-168.
  • Frontal sinus mucocoele in a dog, presenting with profuse intermittent ocular discharge
    Progress in Vet Comp Ophthalmol, 1994;4:34-37.
  • Chapter 86: Corneal surgery
    Slatter D, Håkanson NE. In: Slatter D: Textbook of Veterinary Surgery, edition 2, 1993.
  • Irishypoplasi hos häst  ("Iridal hypoplasia in the horse")
    Håkanson NE. Sv Vet Tidn 1993;45:99-103.
  • Mukopolysackaridos VI hos katt, fallrapport och litteraturöversikt ("Mucopolysaccharidosis VI in the cat; a case report and literature review")
    Håkanson NE. Sv Vet Tidn 1992;44:459-463.
  • Kirurgisk behandling av otiter hos hund ("Surgical treatment of otitides in the dog")
    Jerre S, Håkanson NE. Sv Vet Tidn 1992;44:151-159.
  • Granuloma formation following subconjunctival injection of triamcinolone in two dogs
    Håkanson NE, Shively JN, Merideth RE. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1991;27:89-92.
  • Index of numerical values: A roster of numerical values pertaining to comparative ophthalmology
    Håkanson NE. Printed at Ohio State University, 1990  (173 pages).
  • Intraocular spindle cell sarcoma following ocular trauma in a cat; case report and literature review
    Håkanson NE, Shively JN, Merideth RE. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1990;26:63-66.
  • Uveitis in the dog and cat, Veterinary Clinics of North America
    Håkanson NE, Forrester SD. Small Animal Practice, 1990;20:715-735.
  • Basic concepts of general and ocular immunology
    Håkanson NE. Veterinary Focus, 1989;1:90-94
  • The effects of intravenous mannitol or oral glycerol on intraocular pressure in dogs
    Lorimer DW, Håkanson NE, Pion PD, Merideth RE. Cornell Veterinarian 1989; 79:249-258.
  • Further comments on conjunctival pedicle grafting in the treatment of corneal ulcers in the dog and cat
    Håkanson NE, Lorimer DW, Merideth RE. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1988;24:602-606.
  • Conjunctival pedicle grafting in the treatment of corneal ulcers in the dog and cat.
    Håkanson NE, Merideth RE. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1987;23:641-648.
  • Ocular examination and diagnostic techniques in the horse, part II: Assessment of vision and examination of intraocular structures.
    Håkanson NE, Merideth RE. Equine Practice 1987;9 (10): 6-9.
  • Ocular examination and diagnostic techniques in the horse, part I: Examination of the adnexa and extraocular structures.
    Håkanson NE, Merideth RE. Equine Practice 1987;9 (5): 7-10.
  • Abnormal epididymal spermatozoa two to thirtyfive days after a brief experimental cryptorchidism in the rabbit.
    Plöen L, Håkanson NE. Int J Andrology, 1978;1: 250-261.
  • Karin Berggren and Nils Wallin Håkansson: A surgical approach for extensive orbital exenteration in dogs; a description of technique and its application in 4 cases; Veterinary Ophthalmology 2018;22:238-245.
  • Nils Wallin Håkansson and Karin Berggren: Canaliculorhinostomy as a treatment for nasolacrimal duct obstruction in dogs and cats, Journal of Small Aimal Practice 2020;61,346-353.



Veterinärexamen Uppsala 1980

Specialistutbildning (”residency”) Arizona, USA, 1985-1988.

Diplomate American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists 1988.

Diplomate European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists 1992.

Kompetens för diagnostik av ärftliga ögonsjukdomar hos hund och katt, “ögonlysare”, 1989.